When you are buying or building a home that is located in an area with no access or no connection to public sewer, you will still need an affordable and effective way to treat sewage and wastewater on your property.
Traditionally, septic tank systems were the only option for homeowners. Septic tanks would collect, treat and then dispose of the wastewater from the home through bacterial activity in the septic tank and then a nearby field where the wastewater was further treated and absorbed into the soil. Approximately once a year the untreated solid waste needs to be pumped out, but apart from this there is little maintenance that needs to be carried out.
In the field of plumbing and wastewater treatment though, there have been real advances over the years and septic tanks are not the only option a homeowner has.
An aerated wastewater treatment system is another way to treat wastewater from your home. The system is similar to that of a septic tank, however the main difference lies in the quality of the water that is dispersed from the system.
When water leaves a septic tank, it needs to be treated in a “leaching field” before it is safe to be dispersed in or near ground water or any other locations such as creeks, rivers or ponds. In comparison, water leaving an aerated wastewater treatment system is fully treated and safe to be dispersed directly from the system.
An aerated wastewater treatment system may be a good option when the soil quality is not of a high enough quality for a septic system. A good example is where permafrost or clay are present in the soil.
Another reason for choosing an aerated wastewater treatment system is when there is particularly high groundwater levels or shallow bedrock. Not enough nearby land is another reason.
The team at R & F Building Industries will be able to advise you on the most appropriate and effective wastewater treatment system to install.